The Schabes Method™

A proven technique for appearing "ehrliche"

With The Schabes Method you'll learn how to speak, sway, stroke your beard and rub your hands in the most ehrlich way possible, that nobody will have any inkling about what you're really up to. The Schabes Method is proven to be effective in Frum communities all over the world, both in-town and out-of-town.

Free Consulations are now available

Other Notable Contributions

Chaim Schabes is a pioneer in the rabbinical impersonation industry and has allegedly introduced numerous innovative and revolutionary techniques that may or may not be in use today by legions of self-styled rabbis around the world. A sampling of Schabes' work is provided below:

The Schabes Non-Psak™

Want to issue a "psak" but don't actually know halacha? The Schabes Non-Psak™ is the tool you need. Using Chaim Schabes' system, rabbinical impersonators learn how to use phrases like "if what you're telling me is true, then this is the psak", which provided full protection and deniability in the event the psak is discovered to be nonsensical or if it caused serious harm to anyone.

How to Live Tax-Free

Rabbi Schabes is one of the leaders of tax-free living in Rockland County and in New York State. HaRav ingeniously maintains multiple well-paid "teaching jobs" while also claiming to be a full time, on-call rabbi, thus eliminating his property tax responsibilities and shifting them to his neighbors. You can read more about his methods here

Heter Yichud

Harav Schabes Shlita is known for his innovative heterim in the area of "Yichud", which often inhibits other rabbis from developing relationships with women, especially married women, who may benefit from the intimate connection that only a rabbi can provide. With Rabbi Schabes' guidance, you too will learn how to avoid suspiscion by branding yourself as an authority on "relationships" and "mental health", and you too will have married women privately secluded with you in your office handing over their panties and their husbands will never even know about it.

Heter Atzlus

Harav Schabes Shlita can help you too evade the directive of Chazal in Pirkei Avos who say that it is incumbent on everyone to earn a living.

וְכָל תּוֹרָה שֶׁאֵין עִמָּהּ מְלָאכָה, סוֹפָהּ בְּטֵלָה וְגוֹרֶרֶת עָוֹן

To increase his appearance of holiness, HaRav Schabes Shlita does not have time for such lowly pursuits like earning a living, so he created a heter for himself that is available to you for only a small fee. All proceeds earned go toward the holy cause of validating the Schabes heter

Complimentary Letters

One of HaRav Schabes' Shlita favorite pastimes is to write letters expressing his opinions on things and watching them get circulated everywhere, which increases name recognition and brand value. We are proud to now offer you at home the opportunity to create your own Schabes-branded letters!

Schabes Letter Template

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